About Us

About Us

Our History

Guided by our core values, Turanalp Group has been paving the way towards achieving our mission and vision. With the aid of these values, we are propelling our brand into the future, enriching it with the contemporary technology and solutions brought by the new generation. This enables us to provide our customers with the highest quality services they need.

Since 2008, we have been taking confident strides forward, evolving into a thriving and close-knit family!

Enriching your world

We take pride in providing logistic support to Europe, Americas, Africa, and Arab countries, garnering positive feedback and making a difference.

Leaving a mark

We offer accurate and timely solutions that meet our customers' needs, forging strong connections along the way.

Growing together

With our expert team and international capabilities, we stand by your side across the globe. We grow and evolve alongside you.

Our Story


Embarking on this journey as Turanalp A.S., we entered the trade and construction sector in Kocaeli, Turkey.


Our commitment to innovation and evolving service approach led us to expand globally in the logistics sector. Our first stop was "France Transit" in Romania.


We began offering our services across various European countries, starting with France.


While continuing our investments in Europe, we took new steps in logistics with Turanalp s.r.o. in the Czech Republic and Ari Simurg.


In addition to our existing portfolio, we welcomed the "Bi Can" beverage brand and the "ChiyaLisk" toy brand, making us a diverse group of 8 brands.


Thanks to the support of our ChiyaLisk brand, we provided toy assistance to children in Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia under the initiative "Spreading Happiness!"

Our Companies

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